Friday, October 16, 2009

Indian Companion Specification

The Indian companion specification for DLMS COSEM is almost ready. The adoption of DLMS/COSEM and the drafting of the companion specification is a great step forward for India, in its standardization efforts. The fact that all stakeholders finally understood, appreciated and in the end supported and participated in driving the India specific standard is one of the firsts in India.

This augur's well not only for the the R APDRP programme that the government of India is implementing, but also paves the way for future technology adoption and implementation in the Indian AMR/AMI and Smart Grid space, for the mechanism that was adopted and the maturing and professionalism of the various participants makes it possible for the BIS ET 13 to move aggressively forward in more standardization in the metering and Smartgrid space.

This mode may also be adopted by the LITD 10 of BIS, for a number of standards within the Smartgrid framework needs indegenization and active debate and discussion before it can actually become an Indian standard.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

IEC 62056 / DLMS COSEM Indian Companion Standard

BIS ET13 Protocol Panel is working on a new companion standard for IEC 62056 / DLMS COSEM for India. This companion standard will define country specific (INDIA Specific) requirements that the IEC 62056 protocol implementations in India will need to comply with. The companion standard will ideally define the sub-set of requirements mandatory for any IEC 62056 implementation in India, as well as country specific profiles and event code for events and tamper data.

The companion standard also will define the ABT profiles as well as parameterization as defined the CEA/CPRI/IEEMA protocol panel for the different types of meter's in India. Since these companion standards are specific to India, an India specific certification of the companion standard by CPRI might be adopted, rather than the DLMS UA certification for the implementation.

Monday, February 23, 2009

DLMS COSEM Workshop and AMI Conference in New Delhi

The DLMS COSEM Workshop and the AMI Conference concluded on 19th February 2009 at New Delhi. The Workshop introduced the DLMS COSEM / IEC 62056 protocol to the Indian audience of utilities, regulators and the meter manufacturers. The workshop by DLMS UA President and IEC TC 13 secretary Gyozo Kmethy was well received. Also the presence of Thomas Schwab from L&G and management committee member of DLMS UA added to the depth of IEC 62056 expertise, and the impact of an Indian adoption of the standard. Vinoo S Warrier of Kalkitech, member of the BIS LITD 13 Protocol Panel and the DLMS UA Technical Committee presented an overview of the draft in the works of the Indian Companion Standard for DLMS COSEM for adoption as the National Standard. This was followed by the CTT test tool and the certification laboratory capabilities of CPRI, the largest 3rd Party DLMS Lab in the world.

The conference also saw numerous papers on DLMS COSEM, AMI, Smart Grid, Smart Metering, Security and Meter Data Management presented. Central Electricity Authority presented a presentation on the Importance of the protocol issue and the reasons why government of India is very keen for it's 12 Billion Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Program II to be successful to improve the power distribution system in India and how open protocols play an important role.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

CBIP DLMS COSEM Workshop and AMI Conference

CBIP is organizing Workshop on ‘Metering Data Exchange–International Standards & Protocols’ [IEC 62056 (DLMS/COSEM)] and Conference on ‘Advanced Metering Infrastructure’-17-19 February 2009 in Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi. Gyozo Kmethy, President of DLMS UA is taking the workshop on IEc 62056. Kalkitech is sponsoring this event. More details are available here.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Workshop on Metering Data Exchange (DLMS/COSEM) and Conference on Advanced Metering Infrastructure

CBIP (Central Board of Irrigation and Power) is organizing a workshop on metering data exchange (DLMS/COSEM) and Conference on advanced metering infrastructure on February 17-19th 2009 at Le Meridian New Delhi. More details are available from the conference brochure.